CCRHB Building

The NIH Clinical Center is the nation's premier research hospital, serving more than 10,000 new patients each year. Some 1,200 physicians, dentists, and doctoral-level researchers and more than 600 nurses and 450 allied health care professionals provide care to patients and support the research activities of more than 1,600 laboratories.


The Clinical Center Research Hospital Board (CCRHB) was established in 2016 to oversee operations at the NIH Clinical Center focused on fortifying a culture and practice of safety and quality and strengthening leadership for clinical care quality, oversight and compliance. A new Chief Executive Officer position was established, and under this leadership, the 2019 CC Strategic Plan titled, "People, Places, Capabilities: The NIH Clinical Center at 65 Strategic Plan" introduced new priorities to transition the CC to a high reliability clinical research organization ensuring the best achievable patient outcomes. The CCRHB actively engages with CC and NIH leaders to consider a host of new or updated capabilities, improved facilities, and infrastructure, while fully supporting existing CC staff and preparing the next generation to tackle tough biomedical research issues within a vibrant culture of patient safety and regulatory compliance. More >

Upcoming Meetings

  • June 21, 2024
  • October 18, 2024

Statement from the CEO: The NIH Clinical Center Remembers

Dr. Norvell Van Coots

On Friday, June 21, NIH Clinical Center staff, along with members of the Clinical Center Research Hospital Board (CCRHHB) paused to mourn the recent death of Dr. Novell "Van" Coots, chair of the CCRHB.

See tribute comments posted on the June 21, 2024 meetings page.